DUDLEY and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust is hosting an event later this month focussing on peer support and how it can help people with mental health issues.

The mental health forum, which takes place quarterly, will be held at Forest Arts Centre, Hawbush Road, Walsall, from 11am to 1pm on Thursday June 22.

Free to attend – the event will include a short film and a talk by a service user on how peer support has helped their recovery from mental health problems.

The Trust’s employment service will also discuss the benefits of employment/training and service users who attend the Trust’s peer support groups will give a presentation on the variety of support they have received and how it has helped their recovery.

A free lunch will also be provided at the event.

Due to the increasing popularity of the forums – anyone wishing to attend is urged to book in advance by emailing communication@dwmh.nhs.uk or calling 01384 325015.

Anyone wishing to have a stall at the event can contact Tracy Cross at tracy.cross@dwmh.nhs.uk or call 01384 324531.