After presenting Noelle Robins with a badge and certificate to mark forty years of membership in the organisation, Chairman Enid Fennell then presented flowers to Mavis James to mark a very special wedding anniversary.

One a very young member, the other a child bride.

There were two visitors. Before the business began, we were wished a happy new year.

An invitation was issued to members to become committee members in the next guild year.

Barbara White has indicated that she is willing to try her hand as secretary.

The card charity box yielded £43.15.

Those who went to the Lodge said that they had enjoyed the meal. The sections announced their forthcoming events.

Mr & Mrs Betts presented a video display of Witley Court before the fire and after. There were also some interesting pictures sold after the fire and details of how much they realised at auction, some delightful views of the restored gardens.

They were thanked by Chris Moy.

Anne James and Hilda Devey won raffle prizes.

Next month on February 10 there will be a bring-and-buy sale. In addition, members are asked to bring an item that is special to them and tell why it is so special.