We knew today would be tough, lots of town centres and traffic but a ferocious head wind and pouring rain doubled the challenge.

75 miles later in Tarpouley we declared victory over the elements but it was not the beautiful game, just a slog.

Our inquest into the Glasgow horror show concluded using the Force to navigate does not work and our sat nav's communication issues (it does not want to tell any directions, even though it knows them) means we needed a new plan.

Looking at a map and road signs seems to work.

We completed a 90 mile haul to Gretna along the A75.

This is no place for cyclists. I was once on a plane being flown by a man who could not even drive a car and was less scared than when I was on my bike on this highway to hell.

After being forced off the road by a coach I managed to pilot my bike to a safe standstill in the roadside ditch, utter a few curses and rejoin the lethal lanes.

I wear so much hi-vis I can be seen from space therefore if vehicles get too close I can only conclude they are trying to turn me into road kill.

Apart from homicidal coach drivers we seem to be making good progress and looking forward to the second half of our trip to Land's End.