POLICE are asking Dudley residents for their opinions on how their lives can be improved - and participants will get a £20 Tesco voucher as thanks.

One hundred people living in the St. Thomas area are being sought to take part in an event on Thursday June 17 at 5pm

Dudley Inspector Kim Madill tweeted: "We are excited to announce Dudley's first World Cafe of the year.

"Join us on 17/06/21 at 5pm if you are from the St Thomas area.

"We want to hear voices of the community coming together to make change."

A flyer states: "This is an opportunity to share your views on how living in this community could be better.

"Hosted by West Midlands Police in partnership with Mutual Gain we are looking for residents to join us on a zoom meeting where we can work together to develop ideas of how to improve life in your local area.

"There is a limit of 100 people from the Kates Hill and Dixons Green area.

"Those who attend will receive a Tesco voucher for £20 as a gesture of thanks for your valuable time.

"If you are unable to attend online we can facilitate a small number of individuals in person at local venues."



Anyone interested can e mail a.woodall@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk or call 07717 729 215.