A 72-YEAR-OLD disabled woman suffered a stroke after fighting off a machete-wielding attacker in Tipton.

The horrifying incident which saw a man pull a machete on osteoarthritis sufferer Carol Massey and attempt to taker her car, happened in Smith Place at around midnight last night (Sunday July 25).

The woman's devastated daughter Sarah-Jayne Cree, aged said her mum, who bravely fought off the attacker with her two walking sticks, suffered a stroke after the incident.

She posted on Facebook: "My brave mom stood her ground and tried fighting him off with her walking sticks which he broke, luckily neighbours heard a noise and ran out and and chased him off.

"Not long after this we had to rush my mom to hospital, not only did this man scared my mom it has caused her to have a stroke."

She told the news today (Monday) her mum had regained some speech and movement and is ready to talk to police.

Dudley News:

Pic: The attack happened in Smith Place 

The family had enjoyed a night out at a Queen tribute act at the Wonder pub in Oldbury when Carol had driven home to the flat she shares with her husband. She had parked up on the car park in Smith Place when seconds later she was attacked.

Sarah-Jayne said: "He had a large machete and kept shouting for mum to give him her keys. She fought back as it was all she felt she could do and started sounding the horn and screaming and using her sticks.

"Thankfully the neighbours came out and chased him and he ran off. She was scared she would be killed.

"The stroke is awful but in a way I feel she's lucky as she could have been killed."

Sarah-Jayne said the attacker was a white man and was wearing a dark scarf around his face and a dark tracksuit.

The family is calling anyone with CCTV on Smith Place, Park Lane East and Lower Church Lane, going onto Dudley port up towards Dudley just after the attack, to get in touch with police.

Sarah-Jayne said: "We need to get this man before he does this to someone else."

Anyone with information on the incident can call police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 with crime reference number 20/465585/21.