A BLACK Country GP attended the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in recognition of his hard work during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dudley GP Dr Mohit Mandiratta, a clinical lead for Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group, was invited to the first garden party of the summer on Wednesday May 11.

Dr Mandiratta was at the forefront of communicating important health messages to the public during the pandemic – while caring for patients, delivering vaccines, and representing Dudley people in his role on the local NHS commissioning board.

He appeared on national TV and radio including BBC Breakfast, featured in informative videos on topics such as how to take a lateral flow test and how to manage long Covid symptoms, as well as helping to translate Covid-19 resources into alternative languages including Urdu and Hindi.

He said: “I feel incredibly privileged and honoured to have attended the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. I would never have even dreamed the son of first-generation immigrants from India, born and raised in Quinton, would end up being invited to Her Majesty's residence. I am so humbled and grateful to have been chosen.

“I truly love my job, and try my best to help whoever I can every day I work. On top of my day job as a GP, I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities I have had to share important health messages to a wide audience.”

Mark Axcell, interim accountable officer of BCWB CCG, said: “Dr Mandiratta has worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic and has been instrumental in sharing important public health messages to a wide range of audiences, providing a friendly face and trusted expert guidance.

“He has served the local community with true dedication and I’m delighted he was able to represent the Black Country and West Birmingham at such a prestigious event.”