A WALL Heath restaurant has improved its hygiene rating back up to four after the owner was ordered to pay £4,000 for breaching food and hygiene standards.

Nadeem Ahmed, proprietor of The New Wall Heath Tandoori, was fined £2,000, ordered to pay costs of £1,800 and a victim surcharge of £200 after Dudley Council’s environmental health team brought a case against him.

Officers found evidence of pest activity and poor pest proofing in the external food storeroom after visiting last August.

The premises was dirty and the documented food safety management system had not been reviewed and implemented and the new owner had failed to register the food business.

This reduced the restaurant’s rating on the Food Standards Agency’s food hygiene rating system from four to zero out of five.

A follow up visit was undertaken approximately one month later to ensure conditions had improved and the business now has a food hygiene rating of four, which means hygiene standards are good. 

In court, Ahmed’s representatives explained how he had put measures in place to rectify the issues and the restaurant has received an updated score of four out of five in January this year.

The Magistrates’ said they recognised the hard work and effort made by Ahmed and reduced the fine he was ordered to pay by half.

He was fined £2,000 for one of the charges, ordered to pay costs of £1,800 and a victim surcharge of £200 at Dudley Magistrates’ Court on September 21.

Councillor Ian Bevan, cabinet member for public health, said: "I’m pleased with this outcome following the thorough investigation by our environmental health officers.

"Although it is totally unacceptable to breach food and hygiene laws as it puts people’s health at risk, we do acknowledge that in this case the proprietor has taken the necessary steps to turn the business around and significantly improve standards.

"This is welcomed."