A BID to build a bungalow on former allotment land in Kingswinford has been submitted to planners.

The application to build a detached two-bedroom bungalow on land behind 15, Cross Street has gone in to Dudley Council.

Notes state the land was used for allotments until around ten years ago when it was bought by the applicant who is the occupant of no. 15.

The bungalow would have car parking and a garden, with accessed from Cross View, with a driveway running alongside the existing house.

A design and access statement states: "The proposed development has no adverse impact of existing neighbouring dwellings, creates no overlooking or reduction in natural daylight.

"The proposed development has been carefully considered to respect surrounding dwellings and external spaces."

It states that four fruit trees on the site will remain if plans get the go-ahead.