A PLAN to install speed humps in several cul-de-sacs off a major Black Country route has been scrapped by the council.

Sandwell Council has gone back on its original plan to install the speed-reducing measures on a number of side roads between Great Bridge and Dudley Port following objections from residents.

The council was looking to install speed bumps in Arnhem Way, William Ker Road, Heath Close, Mill Street and Dovecote Close off A461 Horseley Heath.

The plans were then made public in November last year with the council receiving several objections from residents and ward councillor William Gill.

The work also includes new signals and a new pedestrian and cycle crossing at the Horseley Road junction and ‘keep clear zones’ in most of the cul-de-sacs originally earmarked for speed humps.

Humps would still be installed in Peake Drive, Station Drive, John’s Lane, Denbigh Road, Lewes Street, Scott Street, Ball Fields and Meeting Street, Railway Street, Tame Road and Providence Street.

The council said it would continue with its plans to install a speed hump in Peake Drive off Dudley Port, despite objections, because of the number of homes on the estate and the “high volume” of traffic.

The plans were backed by the council’s cabinet member for highways Cllr Danny Millard at a meeting on Monday (February 26).

Cllr William Gill, who represents Great Bridge, said: “I’m extremely pleased that the council have listened to local people about the speed humps. All you needed was a bit of common sense to see the proposals were futile. 

“Speedhumps on cul-de-sacs like Heath Close which is no more than 50m in length. 

“Without the support of local people, I wouldn’t have been able to twist the council’s arm and force a change so I’m grateful for all their support. 

“I hope they know I’m on their side and am pleased to confirm that rather than speed humps the council are set to install keep clear zones, which will aid people’s ability to get in and out of their street. This is exactly what people wanted in the first place so I’m very pleased to have been able to deliver it for them.”

The speed-reducing measures are in addition to plans for a new multi-million-pound cycling route along the whole of the A461 from Great Bridge in Tipton through to Burnt Tree and Castle Gate in Dudley and includes segregated walking and cycle paths and a new dedicated bus lane.

Councillor Danny Millard, cabinet member for environment and highways, said: “I was pleased to be able to approve plans for these measures to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles on the side road approaches to Dudley Port and Horseley Heath.

“These are raised speed tables that reinforce the priority for pedestrians rather than traditional speed humps.

“People’s safety is our main priority and these measures will particularly help wheelchair users and families with pushchairs to cross safely.

“Following consultation with residents, we have removed from our plans the raised speed tables initially proposed for small cul-de-sacs which have less traffic and where the risks to pedestrians and cyclists are also considered low.

“I would reject the suggestion that the original proposals were ‘futile’ or that the council’s arm has been ‘twisted’ – we have kept many of the original proposals in our final plans while also taking on board residents’ views from the consultation undertaken for some of the less busy streets.

“The raised speed tables we’re installing are part of much wider £2.2million active travel scheme along the A461 Horseley Heath which also includes segregated cycle ways, new and improved crossings for pedestrians, improved safety around junctions and improvements to bus stops. Our approach is in line with the conditions of the grants for this work from the Department for Transport’s Active Travel Fund via the West Midlands Combined Authority. We’re working with Black Country Transport to deliver the scheme.”

The council said Cllr Gill and the seven objectors to the original proposals were invited to Monday’s meeting but with none attending, Cllr Millard said he was satisfied with the revisions and gave the work the green light.