AN afternoon of free family fun including face painting, clay making, crafts and games are on offer for visitors to the Birdcage Walk shopping parade in Dudley town centre this weekend.

The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), which is developing the new Dudley Interchange and Metro line, has organised the spring fair to promote the town centre.

Those signing up in advance for Saturday’s (May 25) event can also grab a complimentary free drink.

The fun will run from midday to 4pm.

To find out more and sign up visit the Eventbrite website.

Richard Parker, the new Labour Mayor of the West Midlands, will also be attending for one of his first official visits to the town since his election at the start of May.

He said: “We have put together this spring fair to provide a fun day out for local families and promote many of the wonderful shops and local businesses in the area.

“Bringing the community together is important at this time of great transformation and regeneration in the town – including the development of new Metro and bus Interchange.”

Councillor Patrick Harley, leader of Dudley Council, added: “We welcome this event organised by the combined authority and would encourage people to come along and enjoy the day and of course support the businesses within Birdcage Walk and the wider area.”