A NEW flag specially designed by school children is soon set to fly proudly over Gornal.

The flag, which will feature the artwork of youngsters from Roberts, Straits and Red Hall primary schools, will be hoisted to the top of a new flag pole, after permission was granted by planning officers and councillors.

The 12m high flagpole will be situated on the grass verge on the corner of Abbey Street and Abbey Road, in front of Lower Gornal library following a  successful application by Gornal Business Watch.

The Gornal flag and pole has been funded by North Dudley Area Committee after the business group applied for £1,389.92 from the committee’s revenue budget.

Members rubberstamped the cash application on a majority vote, despite the business watch not supplying all the relevant documentation to the committee.

The vote was party split, with the Conservative members of the committee against the approval, with Sedgley cllr Caunt arguing the recommendation would set a precedence for other funding applications.

Gornal cllr, Dave Branwood, informed the committee the school’s were still working on designs for the flag and it had already been supported by Gornal British Legion, which was planning on using the flag in their annual remembrance events.

As well as the funding for the Gornal flag and pole, the committee also ratified four applications which were approved by officers under delegated powers.

These included  £2,486 for Gornal Royal British Legion to purchase an electronic bugle, IT equipment and a Union flag. £6,275 for Gornal’s Darby and Joan and £5,000 for Gorge Road Allotments in Sedgley to install security fencing around both premises and £740 towards the replacement of IT equipment for Age Concern Dudley.